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To Archive / saori-hasegawa_2
Tatsuya Suou BOT 3/6/2021 5:27 PM
Hello there. You, um... said it was okay if I talked to you, right?
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/6/2021 5:45 PM
Indeed! Tatsu, if I'm not mistaken?
Tatsuya Suou BOT 3/6/2021 5:58 PM
Yes. Or tats. I'm not picky. And you wanted to be called Bookworm, right? What i have to say is a bit of a long story so if you'd rather not hear, ill understand.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/6/2021 6:00 PM
That's me! Believe me, I'm no stranger to long stories. Don't be afraid to say whatever you feel will help!
Tatsuya Suou BOT 3/6/2021 6:09 PM
Thank you. Hmm... where to start... I guess I should explain the fact my friends don't remember me. Due to... a very traumatic event they lost their memories and talking to them might trigger them to rise back to the surface.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/6/2021 6:15 PM
I see. I'm sorry to hear that. Amnesia can be a tragic affliction in ways most people don't realize.
Tatsuya Suou BOT 3/6/2021 6:17 PM
Yes.... I can't bring myself to speak with them for fear it'll bring that all back. I also feel responsible for it in a way. The... person that used me caused a lot of it.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/6/2021 6:24 PM
Yes, it's always a difficult decision in those cases. Is it worth reuniting with those you care deeply for if it means causing them pain? The answer isn't simple. But you shouldn't be so hard on yourself. It isn't your fault. It's often difficult to understand that you're being taken advantage of until it's revealed in full, and the fault lies solely with the manipulator for putting you through that.
Tatsuya Suou BOT 3/6/2021 6:35 PM
Exactly. Mm... that is true. In all honesty that bastard used all of us. And in the end more people than we could imagine suffered for it. I guess... im a little scared it might happen again. Like ill be tricked and hurt everyone around me again.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/6/2021 6:48 PM
That is an absolutely understandable fear, especially after what sounds like a very traumatic event, and I don't blame you for being cautious when it comes to putting yourself out there. A healthy dose of caution can help keep you safe, but being consumed by that fear to the point of totally closing yourself off to others is only going to hurt you more. No one wants to feel used, but at the very least, there are warning signs you can look out for. As long as you know what kinds of behaviors to keep an eye out for, I think you should be fine seeking new friendships.
Tatsuya Suou BOT 3/23/2021 4:08 PM
Thank you... hm.. I... I guess. I do miss having friends... I haven't hung out with anyone besides my brother in quite a while.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 4/5/2021 5:14 PM
Was this some sort of dream? She didn't remember going to sleep, but there was no other explanation. She had taken a trip to Shibuya, merely out of some morbid curiosity, hoping to shed some light on the strange circumstances surrounding the occurrences in the chatroom. Everything seemed normal, just an ordinary day at Shibuya crossing, people flitting about their daily business. As she walked however, things changed. The streets were empty now, casting the eerie echo of her footsteps throughout the space. The moon hung close overhead amidst a blood red sky. Saori huddled into herself as she walked, slowly, cautiously. Her eyes flicked about nervously, here and there, a faint glimpse of movement from the shadows only amplify her nerves. She looked at her phone. No signal. What was this place? The further she walked, the more she felt like she was being watched. This seeping feeling of claustrophobia and paranoia permeated every part of her being, chilling her to the bone. It was almost as if the walls themselves were closing in on her. All she wanted was to go home.
5:14 PM
@Emily eats TWO lemons
Emily eats TWO lemons 4/6/2021 3:55 AM
...The talk that day- thoughts of that warning being a red herring. Or.. anything of the like. Had the persona users known... they would find no such comfort. 'Bookworm' as she has been known in chat, was of a curious sort. Disregarding what possible danger there might be, and now.. well... Here she was. No matter how far Saori could walk, there was no escape until he deemed it so. Or.. at all. ...And Kagutsuchi would not allow this to go to waste. No matter what transpired here today. She would be of use. Whether that be alive, or as a corpse. The shadows dared not leave, though- they wouldn't get any closer, either. Primed and ready to attack, of course.. but.. only if something else should fail. And.. that. Well. As with those before her, it all started with a spark within her mind. "Whether it be on purpose or no, you have managed to find this place. A world that stretches to the ends of this city, and brings naught but death to those who step within it's bounds." His voice started gently- in her thoughts. Illusory abilties enveloping her feelings, to bring a state of calm... What was to come next, it was a necessary step to take. "Why have you sought it out- knowing the danger you could be subjecting yourself to?" (edited)
3:55 AM
@Shy, the Galactic Base Baller
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 4/6/2021 4:29 AM
It was a strange sensation, to be so filled with fear and to suddenly have it all seem to wash away. She felt calm, at ease, and the fact that she did would have been enough to scare her more had she been capable of feeling anything other than this strange complacency. The tenseness of her body eased, and she turned, very deliberately, to try and spot where this voice was coming from. "Hello?" She called out, her voice almost seeming to call back as it faded into the distance. "I... I don't know what you mean. What is this place? Where am I?" There were so many questions circulating in her head, she almost couldn't process them all. Almost. She was inquisitive enough to at least be able to hold onto the basics, and her whereabouts were as good a place as any to start. All the while, she continued to scan around her for any sign of the mysterious voice. Though, she swore she could catch glimpses, albeit brief, of figures moving in her periphery. It was probably for the best that she had suddenly been pacified the way she had, or she'd be halfway to a panic attack by now.
4:29 AM
@Emily eats TWO lemons
Emily eats TWO lemons 4/6/2021 2:32 PM
A soft laugh. Kind in tone, though.. would never be in intention. "I'm afraid there's not much of me for you to see with your eyes. I know it must all come as quite a shock, but... In a situation and place you don't understand, I'd advise that you listen..." He allowed silence to settle, even if for just a brief moment. To allow that request, or- command, rather. to settle. Giving a period of time in which she could try and gather herself- forced complacency could... only really last so long when she was very much conscious and present. ..Was it enough? It had to be. "As of now, you find yourself within another world. One, as I said, contained within the bounds of Tokyo... And the very place the victims of those disappearance cases.. Sadly passed." @Shy, the Galactic Base Baller
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 4/6/2021 4:15 PM
The voice's statement did nothing to stop her from looking around. There was still some part of her brain deep down that still expected to see something. But the feeling.... The comforting laugh, and the kind, understanding words, the sensation of feeling comforted, it made Saori feel safe. She felt as though she had someone looking out for her, to protect her in this hellish place. It was a feeling she hadn't experienced for many years. And so, she was compelled to calmly listen to what the voice had to say. "So this place... is what killed those people?" There was a noticeable amount of disbelief in her voice, but not quite as harsh as it could have been. Perhaps seeing the world for herself put the dangers into perspective. "Was that you in the chatroom then, giving us the hints? Were you trying to warn us?" She suddenly felt very stupid. If that were the case, then she had completely misunderstood the messages' intent, and foolishly wandered to perhaps her own demise. It was a good thing she had this voice to protect her.
4:15 PM
@Emily eats TWO lemons
Emily eats TWO lemons 4/7/2021 3:06 PM
A warmth would form in her palm, the same spark that had kindled within her mind- though- this time, given form, and light. a singular crimson flame. It's form dancing in the very slight breeze that lingered, even here. "..Here, a little something for you to gaze upon, and associate with my voice..." It's heat would bring no pain, only a pleasant.. fuzzy.. dreamlike feeling within that ethereal glow. It felt like... The culmination of this 'kind presence' that.. He had aimed to become here. All of the sinister nature of his very being, hidden behind a source of comfort within a strange world. One of his own making... "...Yes. I... Am aware my methods were perhaps a bit cryptic, but... My methods of communication there are incredibly restricted... The force behind all of this... Well. It would be better if it didn't know what I was up to... Mm?" @Shy, the Galactic Base Baller
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 4/9/2021 2:20 AM
She cradled the small flame in her hands. It felt so minuscule, insignificant even, but she knew that this was only a small portion of the presence she felt. Curiously, she gazed into the flame, almost... distracted by it. It was quite beautiful for being found in a place like this, and it made her feel at ease. "The force behind this?" She hardly knew what this was, but the idea of some strange, unknowable thing consciously directing this world of madness and terror was the first thing to begin to crack the calm feeling she had. Not entirely, but a slight pang of fear slipped it's way into her mind. Not the blind, panicking fear, but a much more primal, instinctive fear of the unknown. The kind that was capable of plunging one's heart into despair. Thankfully, this kind entity did much to help. "What does this force want? Why is it luring people here to kill them?" Why did anything kill? Was it a more human motivation of hatred, spite, or simply entertainment? Or was it a more basic, animalistic urge? Was this force hungry? She preferred to not think about that possibility.
2:20 AM
@Emily eats TWO lemons
Emily eats TWO lemons 4/12/2021 5:25 AM
"I'm afraid I can't tell you all the answers you need to know. At least.. not like this. With how things are.. right now. You would go off and tell Mitsuru Kirijo, wouldn't you..? Even when... She's kept many secrets from you." The flame flickered and sparked- flaring up to reveal images inside. .. The many trials and tribulations Kirijo had kept hidden all these years. . Would they be enough to convince Saori to keep this secret...?... The fight with the Nyx Avatar.. The very existence of Erebus- things Mitsuru would never have told her about, would they truly. Be enough? "...I know they all believe learning the truth here will help them. But in the end. It will only just bring them suffering. Before I go on, I must know." A pause, as the flame became as it once was. "Will you swear to not talk of what has transpired today...?"
5:26 AM
@Shy, the Galactic Base Baller
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 4/12/2021 11:04 PM
Her head tilted slightly, eyes widening as she was mesmerized by the images that played out in front of her. Visions of things that felt like they couldn't possibly be real, and were it not for her current circumstances, she likely would not have believed that they could be. Could Kirijo really have done these things? Come to think of it, she lived in the same dorm as... her.... Saori's only friend, the one that had been with her through everything, the one that gave her hope... what really happened to her? What else was Kirijo keeping from her? She swallowed hard, hands beginning to tremble. Surely, there was no way Saori would ever get her to explain. It had been over a decade, and she was only just informed of the unfortunate circumstances recently. Thinking back, Kirijo always seemed untouchable, like she could hold a million secrets that would never see the light of day without it ever showing on her face. "Do... do you mean to say that you'll tell me what happened, but only if I swear to silence?" She pondered the choice. On the one hand, not being able to tell anyone about this would be difficult. She felt like she had made friends in the strange chatroom. On the other, how could she tell if they were being truthful? After all, Kirijo had kept secrets from her, and she didn't know any of the others in person. They were all simply names on a screen. She swallowed again, the trembling slowly spreading through her body. Whether it was from fear, anger, or determination, she was unsure. What she did know, was that she had arrived at her answer. "If that is what it takes to know, then I accept. I won't tell a soul."
11:04 PM
@Emily eats TWO lemons
Emily eats TWO lemons 4/23/2021 4:18 PM
He could feel the tension build within her as she mulled over her thoughts. The hesitation- but desire burned brighter. That longing to know. It would be her drive. Fitting, wasn't it...? For a bookworm to seek knowledge. No matter the hours spent reading, or... The acts comitted. In this case. at least... Unknowingly, here. Making this contract. " ...Very well.. With this knowledge will come your awakening. To a power that many of the others within that chatroom possess. And with this new found resolve... well. what you do next will be up to you." ...In a normal circumstance, well. This wouldn't be enough to give her a persona, would it..? Her strings hadn't been fully tied just yet... No. He would give her his power. and that strength would manifest itself the way her true reflection would. ...With a twist that could be the end of her, should she revolt. "...Now. Collect your thoughts. And ask me again. I will answer what I can." @Shy, the Galactic Base Baller
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 4/25/2021 3:36 AM
She was still shaking. It was difficult to stop at this point, what with everything she was going through. She tried closing her eyes, taking a few shallow, trembling breaths in an attempt to calm herself down. It didn't work well, but it did help her compose herself a little at least. She could feel it faintly, the power of her resolve shining faintly within her, and it helped, if only a little. Now the difficult part. What questions to ask? She supposed she should go for what pertained to the situation at hand. "Who are you? What are you?" Start simple, that was the ticket. Give it some time until she could form longer sentences before asking the complicated stuff. @Emily eats TWO lemons
Emily eats TWO lemons 4/25/2021 4:50 AM
"My name is Hi-no-kagutsuchi."* A long pause... The name of a God would likely be a surprise... Especially to one ... so new to Persona related ordeals. She knew not of the hardships forced upon humanity by deities... So learning his name here would do no harm to his plan in the long run... Unless Kirijo saw fit that she was capable of handling the truth. ...Oh, how he doubted her capable of opening up like that. *"It would not be wrong to call me a God of sorts. But even then ... The very nature of my existence can be quite difficult to explain." ...Difficult to explain.. hm? Oh, the idea could make him laugh.... And she would be none the wiser...
4:50 AM
@Shy, the Galactic Base Baller
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 4/30/2021 4:54 PM
Hi-no-Kagutsuchi.... The name lingered for some time in her mind. At least now the appearance of the flame made more sense. A fire deity would naturally take the form of fire. Still, it was strange to think about. Saori had never been particularly religious, but she was knowledgeable enough on the old mythology. This couldn’t actually be the mythical son of Izanagi, could it? No, that would be impossible. Though, perhaps not, considering the circumstances. For the time being though, it would be prudent to gain as much relevant information to said circumstances before things took a turn for the worse. “Okay, um, Hi-no-Kagutsuchi.” That was never going to be less easy to say, she was sure of it. “What exactly is this place? You mentioned some force that was using it to... kill people.” It left a sour taste on her tongue to say aloud, but it was also truth. No sense in shying away now.
4:54 PM
@Emily eats TWO lemons
Emily eats TWO lemons 5/1/2021 1:08 PM
"This is a world warped by the twisted desires within humanity's hearts... The being formed from that all... Wishes for their demise. Like many before it." Aha, oh... Goodness. A true comedy, wasn't it? At least ... That's what tragedy felt like to him, compared to others' thoughts on it... To see her features shift the way they did, not a doubt in those fearful eyes... and not a doubt in her mind... An ideal puppet. ...And she was willingly tying herself down without a second thought. "I'm somewhat unsure on the specifics of it all, you see." The fire within her hands dimmed- halving in size. "...I have little to no power here."
1:08 PM
@Shy, the Galactic Base Baller
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 5/30/2021 3:38 AM
Saori wasn't fully aware of what being warped by humanity's twisted desires entailed, but it sounded bad. Really bad. Definitely bad enough that she could understand why those in the know would want to keep it hidden from others. That only strengthened her desire to know however. After all, what kind of scholar would she be if she didn't seek knowledge of the unknown? Though, that would likely be a dangerous endeavor. What was that he mentioned before? "You mentioned that I'll awaken to some kind of power. What did you mean by that?" Perhaps she could test the waters a bit. It would be foolish to accept some kind of special ability without understanding how it worked.
3:38 AM
@Emily eats TWO lemons
Emily eats TWO lemons 6/1/2021 7:12 PM
The showman within him begged for another moment of silence, with that simple question. Something important.. something... She wouldn't let go, and he'd have her on the edge of her seat for it. "... What you'll awaken to....?" ... the dancing flame within her grip flickered blue, in that instant. The fine line of a tarot card drawn in the air from the pyre. It's shape not finite.. such as her hesitant resolve. Intangible until she was willing to reach out and take it ... Take his power for her own...! "with this knowledge- comes a resolve. And with that resolve. Comes your Persona." Shades of Cerulean grew, the flames growing from a pleasant warm to a slightly more intense heat. "With a persona you will be able to fight injustice, and quell the distortions that ail both here, and the human world... And . With it all. I just might be able to save someone dear to you." "...The girl who teeters on the edge of life and death to protect us all.." "...So. is your resolve absolute..?" (edited)
7:12 PM
@Shy, the Galactic Base Baller
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 6/4/2021 6:27 PM
Saori's eyes widened, both in awe and trepidation, as the blue flames expanded and heated. Her pupils flitted about almost frantically, tracing the edges of the card that formed before her. A Persona. Her ability to fight against this evil world, to search for the truth, and maybe, just maybe, a chance to save her. Saori's eyes shut tightly for a moment, and when they opened, her face was hardened with determination. For the one who had done everything to drag her back into the light during her greatest despair, she could finally try to return her kindness. "Yes. I accept this power, for her." And with that final word, she decisively reached out and grabbed the card. Her fingers clutched tightly around it, briefly revealing the face of the hermit before it was crushed. The sensation of the flames shot up her arm, then through her entire body. The pain was overwhelming for a moment, nearly causing her to fall to her knees. Then it began to bleed off of her, lifting up and taking shape above her. She could feel the power looming over her, and for a moment she was afraid to look. She took a second to collect herself, recover from the shock a bit before she turned around. Above her was a figure, human-like, with skin as coarse as a tree's bark. Adorned with a dress of charred foliage, manacles on her wrists and ankles complete with dangling chains, and decayed, plantlike hair cascading around a sorrowful face. Every facet of her form flickered with embers, as if she were still burning just beneath her skin. Saori looked up at this figure, and instinctively whispered her name: "Eurydice...." She was almost without words, but her curiosity was stronger than her awe. "So... this is my Persona? A reflection of myself maybe?"
6:27 PM
@Emily eats TWO lemons
Emily eats TWO lemons 6/5/2021 7:10 PM
To his beckon and call, the shadows came. Their gelatinous forms coursing like a rough sea, beneath the pressure of their puppet master. ...Shadows, of course. Were more hostile to persona users and the like, but here...? Well. He held complete control. And those forms had stopped before ultimately getting too close. A receding tide upon receiving their second command. "...Your Persona is your resolve. And with that resolve, comes the need for this world to take it from you." His voice sounded notably strained, quite the dramatist. As always. But it made things all the more fun. What's a show without an actor?... "Reach out... And fight. Fight like your life depends on it... Because in this world. It does. ..Though you must remember I will always be here to help as much as i am able." A pause, after his tone grew hoarse. Ebon tendrils grabbing from behind the barrier that had been put in place. "Now go. Show them your power." (edited)
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 6/6/2021 8:42 PM
She turned at the sound of the shadows, a gasp of fear getting lodged in her throat. The pressure in the air felt choking. Eyes darted around, panic amplified at the encroaching horde. Her guide's words sounded faint amongst the din of her heart pounding in her ears. For a moment, she had almost forgotten the dangers of this world, so enraptured in the presence of her Persona. Her Persona.... This was what it was for. Her brain was beginning to catch up to itself, acknowledging that to lose her cool here most certainly meant death. She tried to slow her breathing, to regain a semblance of control, to dig deep into that well of resolve she had learned to draw on all those years ago. Her back straightened and shoulders squared with her breath. Her arm raised, pointing at the amassed shadows, and with a shaky voice, declared; "Strike, Eurydice!" The ghostlike figure floated forward, stopping just in front of her master. Her arm rose, and with a sonorous cry, swept it aside, a river of flame following in it's wake. It burned at the adversaries in front of her, and nearly left Saori awestruck. This was her power. Now she knew that this wasn't as dire as it seemed. Her breath slowed, and her shaking settled. She would stand and fight, the way she had taught her.
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/21/2022 10:24 PM
@Shy 2; Revenge of the Second Text recieved from an Unknown number. Are you well? (edited)
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/21/2022 10:33 PM
I am doing quite well, thank you. May I ask who this is?
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/21/2022 10:34 PM
... Ah, Apologies. Hasegawa. I suppose after your awakening. I must have forgotten to tell you I'd stay in contact.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/21/2022 10:35 PM
It's quite alright. I had a feeling it was you. How have things been on your end?
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/21/2022 10:37 PM
Things have been going smoothly.. As can be. I suppose... But. Truly. I must confess. Above all else. I wished to see the resolve that now drives you forward.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/21/2022 10:40 PM
I did have plans to make another expedition into that strange world if possible. I've been doing some preparations to ensure my safety of course, but I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. It's utterly horrifying, yet mysteriously enthralling at the same time.
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/21/2022 10:45 PM
...As with any world within the human unconscious... But I can sense your desire to save her is strong.
10:49 PM
Are you willing to take any steps necessary to ensure it?
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/21/2022 10:51 PM
I believe I am. I plan to delve as deep into this other world as I can, find what it's hiding. I know she would do the same for me.
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/21/2022 10:52 PM
...I look forward to working with you, Hasegawa~.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/21/2022 10:53 PM
And I you. Speaking of, that warning in the chatroom, that was you, wasn't it?
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/21/2022 10:54 PM
Mm. Perhaps you could say I lack a little tact in regards to human interaction.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/21/2022 10:57 PM
I understand. It takes a lot of practice. I'm curious what exactly it means though. Do you know what's about to happen?
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/21/2022 11:02 PM
...It would be right to call this force mindless. But.. My own actions have not provided much help it would seem... All this in attempt to release Nyx...
11:04 PM
...You see. ... Erebus. is a being that thrives on humanity's wishes for death...
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/21/2022 11:05 PM
That doesn't sound very good. This Erebus is something of a beast then, only working toward the destruction of mankind?
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/21/2022 11:06 PM
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/21/2022 11:08 PM
What of this Nyx then? You said something is trying to release them?
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/21/2022 11:12 PM
Nyx is death itself. Her release would spell disaster for mankind....
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/21/2022 11:15 PM
That's quite dire. I suppose we have time to spare for now, but if there is some sort of force attempting to release her, then we are on something of a time limit.
Emily eats TWO lemons 3/21/2022 11:21 PM
It seems so.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 3/21/2022 11:22 PM
Then I should embark as soon as possible. Perhaps I'll go after work to take a poke around, try and find any clues.
Ryoji Mochizuki BOT 11/22/2022 12:43 AM
Ah, this suffocating world was what Kagutsuchi was working on, was it? Blood red sky and golden moon, the colors of fire, reminding him of his mistress' pull on him even now. Maybe if he didn't think of Nyx he would be alright in the end. After all, she hadn't bothered him in so long, and he was still intact... Ryoji's bright eyes scan the area, over the misshapen piles of metal and cement. He kneeled on the edge of a pile of debris, trying to find some sign of the deity he searched for. Instead, he found the head of someone else bobbing among the trash, piquing his interest. He looked rather... Intimidating, in this outfit, but he figured a friendly disposition should keep the stranger at ease. With a whisper of feathers he moved swiftly to where the other was, sitting on the edge of a jutting metal sheet. He examines her before speaking. "It's strange to see someone alone here-- are you lost?" Ryoji offers a smile, hoping his white, soulless mask doesn't scare her off.
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/22/2022 3:34 AM
Saori's sojourns into Phlegethon were by no means frequent, though she had ensured to set aside the time to familiarize herself with the lay of the land. The fact that it kept changing notwithstanding, she was feeling more and more confident with every trip. Of course, she was under no real threat given her patron, and should anything go awry, she could count on his watchful eye to rectify the situation. This didn't mean she felt comfortable in the place, far from it. It reeked of fear and despair. As such, it was also a rarity to come across other human beings here. Typically the only company she could find was the omnipresent ruler of this domain, and the mindless shadows that inhabited it. The woman was thusly surprised when she was suddenly greeted by another masked stranger. Even if she were inclined to judge, her own costume was likely just as intimidating, so she had no room to comment. At the very least this individual seemed to have a softer disposition than the last person she met here. "Indeed, I can't say I've come across many others here myself," she replied, a gentle smile also forming on her lips. It was a bit difficult to see between her mask and her hood, but it was there nonetheless. "I do believe that 'lost' is quite possibly a perpetual state of being here if I'm honest. So I suppose to answer, not any more that you most likely."
Ryoji Mochizuki BOT 11/22/2022 4:39 AM
Ryoji smiles and cants his head. Something about her seemed familiar, from her demure smile and curls around her shoulders. She must have reminded him of someone, he thinks. Maybe an old classmate? He hops down, dark trails of feathers following with a rustle. He stood taller than usual in his heels, but he tried to keep his smile to seem less intimidating. "I can try and help you find the way out, if you like. Oh, you may call me Muse, by the way." He leans forward, bowing to her politely. The closer he was to her, however, the more he felt a familiar... Aura. It was that of the god he sought, smelling of ash and fire. "Actually... I'm looking for someone. Perhaps you can help me find them?"
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/23/2022 3:50 AM
"Oh, thank you for the offer, Muse, but I am here quite intentionally." It was a kind gesture to be sure. Had he been the one to find her upon her first entry, it would have been very welcome. As it stood, it was a tad too late to be saved. That was no reason to rebuff his kindness however, and she was certain to repay it in kind. "It is very nice to meet you though. Scribe," she introduced herself with a slight curtsy. "It's almost relieving to see a friendly face, though I'm uncertain if I should be worried that others are here at all." It was quite the hazard, wasn't it? Saori was almost lucky in that regard. Almost. "Well, mazelike as this place is, I'm sure we can find this someone if we work together. How could I possibly decline? Would you be able to tell me what I should be on the lookout for? Any defining features?"
Ryoji Mochizuki BOT 11/23/2022 4:22 AM
Ryoji's smile turned darker, his eyes looking dim behind the veil of his mask. He starts to walk with her, wondering how much he should divulge. After all, the only thing he need not do is lead her astray with any opinions of his own about the deity he sought. Finding out if she worked for him was never a bad idea. "I'm looking for the... Creator, of this place," he motions his hand to the bright yellow moon towering above them, a simulacrum of the real thing. "He's a deity, more specifically." He pauses, looking around him. "And since it's rude to speak about those listening, I must let him know I won't break the 'deal' we've made. I just wish to talk." Ryoji offers a cute smile, canting his head and pressing his hand to his chest. "Scouts honor, and all that! I'll even exchange some information." (edited)
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/23/2022 4:37 AM
An eyebrow raised behind her mask as she walked alongside him. What an intriguing statement. Was she being tested? It was likely, given the fact that the prospect of this world's creator hadn't been brought up in the chatroom whatsoever. Then again, it wasn't clear if or how many people were considering it if no one was discussing it. Saori was the least connected member after all, and those talks may be happening elsewhere. She would certainly play at this game, but she was loathe to bleed her hand just yet. Perhaps there was more to glean from this "Muse" before the facade broke. "A creator? I must say, that's a rather terrifying prospect. I can't imagine the twisted machinations that must have formed such a haunting landscape." She allowed a skeptical, but slightly worried tone to bleed into her words. Hopefully it would be enough to call his bluff, should he be bluffing to begin with. "Though, from the way you speak of him, you seem quite confident that this entity does indeed exist. How can you be sure you're even correct? What kind of deal would you have struck with them? And if you have made a deal, how can I trust that you won't lead me astray? Judging from the landscape, I can't imagine that such a being has the most benign intentions."
Ryoji Mochizuki BOT 11/23/2022 4:56 AM
Ryoji smiled at her. She was smart, smarter than he likely could lie to. He was painfully honest to a fault, and instead of lying, had simply kept hidden everything he knew about the Fall before it broke out of him like a dam. Every word spoken thoughtlessly to a crowded room of teenagers, begging him to be incorrect. And he was. He was pessimistic once, he wouldn't let it happen again. Especially if he could do something about it. Now let's see... What could he answer before the oh so benevolent Kagutsuchi became furious with him. "I'm not a good liar, so I'll instead tell you a story." He hops up a mountain of debris easily, holding his hand up to the moon, as if asking it for a dance. "Once upon a time, a queen from unknown reaches of the Galaxy called fourth a loyal knight, who would bring her a drink filled with humanity's agony. It was the princess that slayed the knight, but the drink spilled into the queen's chambers still. The princess gave her life to stop anyone from giving the queen her drink, acting as a human barrier. When the knight finally awoke... She was still there, and he was alone." He turns back, his smile much more somber. "This place is much like the queen's castle. A creation used to house shadows, humanity's inner demons. I was the queen's knight... And I simply do not want to lose more loved ones like I already have." He hops down, holding out his arms. "Does that explain it? Probably not... It's a little more complicated than that." He laughs nervously behind his hand. "But I understand if you don't want to take me to him now, seeing as he's my enemy." (edited)
Shy 2; Revenge of the Second 11/23/2022 7:54 PM
Saori paused and listened to this story with rapt attention. It was certainly one way to appeal to her sensibilities at least. She managed to parse out his meaning however, despite the cryptic method with which it was delivered. He had been through this same song and dance before it seemed. And much like her, he'd lost those close to him. Perhaps her situation was even similar to his back then. It certainly sounded like it, with how he discussed this "queen". "Perhaps it's not the explanation I was hoping for, but I suppose it's enough." She did debate a moment how best to proceed from here however. This boy seemed to be implying that he knew what her situation was, almost like he could feel the taint of power within her. If that were the case, then she had nothing to hide. But again, the possibility that it was all a bluff remained. A strong face would be required to play this game, that was certain. "It seems you know your way around these situations a good deal more than I. I confess I've never had a firsthand experience with this kind of place before. As such, I'm sorry to say that I wouldn't even begin to know where to start. Truthfully, I'm mostly trying to get my bearings in all of this. It's quite... overwhelming."
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